Media related to the Stop the Build Campaign

CTV Barrie:
October 24, 2024: Ont. Green Party leader backs residents fighting to stop plans for new administrative building
October 24, 2024: Tiny Twp. administrative building controversy
July 17, 2024: Tiny Township looking for feedback on controversial new administrative centre
April 23, 2024: Protestors to challenge plans for new Tiny Township municipal office on Wednesday
January 31, 2024: Tiny Township's plans for new Town Hall met with petition to stop the project
Financial Post:
April 26, 2024: Tiny’s Big Spending Problem is Writ Large Across the Country
Midland Today:
October 23, 2024: Petition seeking Tiny admin build referendum reaches Queen's Park
October 3, 2024: Ice age grass prompts First Nations activist to rally citizens to stop Tiny admin build
April 25 2024: Hundreds protest Tiny municipal centre plan; resident calls for ‘return to civility'
April 1 2024: Could ice age grass freeze Tiny’s proposed administrative build?
January 11, 2024: Tiny’s new municipal building plan spurs protestors to action
November 1st, 2024: ‘Happy to help’: Ontario Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner takes Tiny Township admin centre petition to Queen’s Park
August 9, 2024: ‘We’re pushing ahead’: Opposition to Tiny Township admin centre proposal plan to take case to Queen’s Park
June 19, 2024: Tiny Township puts administration centre plans to public for review, feedback
April 26, 2024: ‘Listen to the will of your citizens’: Tiny Township urged to pause process to build new municipal offices
March 1, 2024: ‘Nobody wanted the building:’ Tiny Township residents push back on plan to build new administration centre
Scheduled deputations to Tiny Twp Council:
June 26, 2024: Borys Kowalsky: Need for Referendum on Tiny Township’s New Administrative Centre
April 24, 2024: Karen Zulynik: Remote Hybrid Work Policy